
This a function call to transfer a certain amount of token to a specific address.
To authorize the transaction, you won't need any password nor SMS to confirm your identity, the private key would simply do that.
Click the Transfer button and the authorization page will pop out, all you need is a click on the green ACCEPT button

Feel free to share CambridgeToken with someone you love
or to your other account.

Many more smart contracts to be deployed...

Fun Games with CambridgeToken

Blockchain based online game room for any smart contracts you want to deploy.

Club Voting & Decision Making

A decentralised platform with the benefits of publicity, equality, and security

Send & Receive CambridgeToken

CambridgeToken is Meant To Be Shared.

Owning a CambridgeToken:
Tutorial 101

1. Go to and add METAMASK extension to your browser
2. Accept the terms and write down your 12 word mnemonic phrases
3. Select Ropsten Test Nework and Copy Address to clipboard and that is your ETH address
4. Under TOKENS - add our token contract 0x77bdebf9e77c59d59cbd78ef9b75eb12d005a18a
5. Remember to fill in JOIN US form with your ETH address or drop a message in our facebook page and the token will be send to you shortly. Refresh the page with metamask-installed browser and you will see the updated balance.
6. You will need some test ETH to send CBT to others, which can be request via a faucet like this or that
(click arrows for step-by-step guidelines)

PS Did you notice that we have already achieved more than some ICOs.